Thursday, June 16, 2011

swear to god...

I will get better at posting regularly. It seems that every post starts that way. But now I am determined.

Since starting this blog a few years ago, I have been extremely lucky to find that the acting career I love is reciprocating ... a lot.

I am now 53 and the labyrinth has been filled with new adventures, amazing new colleagues and opportunities. I am continually amazed at how the universe responds when you surrender to your heart path and follow its lead.

2011 is providing two plays, a web series (Cyphers - awesome), and now adding teaching to the list.
Its been 7 years since I was in studio leading a class. And this is my first with teens, so its taking a bit of stretching the old brain cells into a more flexible and inspired place but the kids are incredible talents. The adult class is amazing, too. Such courage and grace!

In the coming weeks I'll be checking in with updates about the solo workshop I am taking with Tanya Taylor Rubenstein, as well as our rehearsals for Rancho Pancho (for which I am now a red head) about Tennessee Williams in ABQ.

Look for me here... I swear to god...

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